This privacy policy incorporates the changes introduced by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation hereinafter referred to as RODO)


The administrator of your personal data is Aleksander Kaluża conducting business activity under the name Aldatech Aleksander Kaluża, with permanent place of business in Warsaw (02-495) at Spisaka 9A Street, registered in the Central Register and Information on Business Activity under NIP: 5223189824, REGON: 387038936 – hereinafter referred to as: „ALDAtech” or „Administrator”. The Administrator processes your personal data on the basis of applicable laws, concluded contracts and on the basis of your consent.


You may contact ALDAtech about access to the content of your data, their correction, deletion, restriction and possible violations by the following means:

  • at e-mail address:
  • by phone at: 512 515 613
  • through the contact form at
  • in writing at: ALDAtech, Spisaka 9A, 02-495 Warsaw;

Minors or persons with limited legal capacity may enter personal data (and use only if they have reached the age allowing them to independently consent to the processing of their personal data).

  2. ALDAtech obtains the following personal data on a voluntary basis:
  • name and surname and name (company) of the subject;
  • gender
  • e-mail address
  • address: street, house number, postal code, city, municipality, province, country
  • telephone number
  • in the case of entrepreneurs: the name of the entrepreneur, NIP and REGON numbers, KRS number.
  • upon consent – data provided by cookies (see point 3 below)
  • in the case of users who have registered via social networks or integrated their account with social networks – the user’s name on these social networks, gender, user’s photo, network of friends
  • data obtained from other sources informing about the website that redirected the user to
  2. Personal data shall be processed by ALDAtech when it is necessary to enter into and perform the contract(s) entered into between the data subject and ALDAtech or to take actions at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract, i.e.
  3. to enable the provision of electronic services, full use of the website
  4. handle requests that the user directs to ALDAtech (e.g. via the contact form on the website or via e-mail)
  5. to set up and manage the user’s account(s) in the electronic system for handling service requests, and to provide account maintenance and technical troubleshooting;
  6. to contact for purposes related to the provision of services and performance of the contract.

Legal basis: Article 6(1)(b) of the RODO – the processing of personal data for this purpose is based on the terms and conditions accepted by the user, the processing of data in this regard is necessary to perform the contract or take action at the request of that person. ALDAtech will process the above data until the performance of the contract, and also for the period of limitation of possible claims.

  1. Personal data shall be processed by ALDAtech for tax and accounting purposes.

legal basis: article 6(1)(c) of the RODO.

  1. Personal data is processed by ALDAtech for the purpose of ALDAtech’s legitimate interests. We will process your data for this purpose until you object as described in sec. 4(7)(d) RODO.
  2. We use the aforementioned data for the purposes of:
  3. contacting the user, with prior consent, through available communication channels, in particular by e-mail or telephone;
  4. handling complaints, handling reported technical problems, handling the return of goods in case the user files a complaint or sends a claim or statement of withdrawal from the contract;
  5. sending commercial information by electronic means – processing of personal data is based on voluntary consent expressed by the user.
  6. surveying satisfaction with cooperation with ALDAtech and satisfaction with products or services;
  7. to establish, assert or defend against claims related to the concluded contract(s) or to the processing of personal data;
  8. to provide payment services;
  9. conduct statistical analysis.

legal basis: article 6(1)(f) RODO

ALDAtech will process this data until the user revokes his or her consent. Consent may be revoked at any time, and in addition, the user has the right to file a written request to stop processing his/her personal data due to his/her particular situation or to object to the processing of his/her data;

  2. Each individual has the right to obtain information on whether and what of his or her data is processed by the Administrator, as well as the right to access his or her data and to request its rectification, erasure or restriction of processing. In addition, the individual has the right to object to the processing of such data, the right to data portability and to revoke the given consent at any time. Withdrawal of consent has effect from the moment the Administrator receives the statement of withdrawal of consent.
  3. Any individual has the right to request immediate deletion of his/her personal data in the event that:
  4. his/her personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected by ALDAtech or otherwise processed;
  5. the consent on which the processing is based has been withdrawn and there is no other legal basis for the processing;
  6. he/she raises the objection referred to in sec. 7 and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for processing, or when his or her personal data have been processed unlawfully.
  7. Any individual may request restriction of the processing of his/her personal data if, in his/her opinion, his/her personal data is incomplete or incorrect. In that case, ALDAtech will not process the data until the request for rectification is considered.
  8. Any individual has the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority – the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection, if he or she believes that his or her rights related to personal data protection have been violated.
  9. Any individual has the right to object to ALDAtech’s processing of data in pursuit of its legitimate interests. In this case, ALDAtech will cease processing unless there are no other grounds for processing the data.
  10. Any individual, upon request, may receive in a structured, commonly used machine-readable and interoperable format his or her personal data that has been provided to ALDAtech, he or she also has the right to request that ALDAtech send the data to another controller if:
  11. the processing is based on that person’s consent or under a contract;
  12. the processing is carried out by automated means.
  13. Any individual may request restriction of the processing of his or her data if:
  14. he or she questions the correctness of the personal data, in which case, for a period of time allowing to verify the correctness of such data, ALDAtech will cease processing;
  15. the processing is unlawful, but you object to the deletion of your personal data, requesting instead a restriction on its use;
  16. ALDAtech will no longer need the personal data for processing purposes, but it is needed by the user, to establish, assert or defend his/her claims;
  17. The user has objected to the processing, in which case ALDAtech will cease processing until it is determined whether the legitimate grounds have entitled ALDAtech to process them and override the grounds for the objection raised.
  18. Users’ personal data are collected via the website, via email, contact form, telephone contacts, and provided in person at ALDAtech’s places of business. ALDAtech may process personal data on the basis of its legitimate interest in marketing its own services and only after obtaining consent from the data subject.
  2. The Administrator transfers the personal data of users to other entities only for the purpose of providing the aforementioned services or performing the contract for repairing the equipment donated by the user or sending the equipment to another ALDAtech service center, and for other legitimate purposes of ALDAtech, each time with the consent of the person concerned. Entities to which ALDAtech transfers data are:
  3. electronic payment operators;
  4. courier companies or courier intermediaries, postal operators – responsible for delivery of equipment or related documents, delivery of products in case of handling returns, complaints (e.g. DPD, Inpost, DHL
  5. entities providing IT and new technology services (Baselinker);
  6. entities providing accounting and bookkeeping services to the Administrator;
  7. entities providing legal and debt collection services;
  8. entities authorized under applicable laws (especially courts and state authorities).
  9. The provision of personal data by users is voluntary, but necessary for the execution of the contract concluded between the user and ALDAtech and for the proper performance of services related to the execution of the contract by ALDAtech’s partners, as well as for possible contact by ALDAtech with the individual.
  10. ALDAtech processes personal data in accordance with the security requirements provided by applicable laws. ALDAtech uses technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of the processing of personal data appropriate to the risks and categories of data in order to protect them from unauthorized access, processing in violation of the law, alteration, loss, damage or destruction.
  11. ALDAtech also processes anonymous usage data related to the use of (IP address, domain) to generate statistics to help administer the Website (such as data obtained using Google Analytics). This data is aggregate and anonymous. Anonymous usage data may be available to the entity providing the service to generate them (such as Google).
  12. The website may contain links to other websites and content available outside the administrator’s website. ALDAtech indicates that once you go to these sites, you should read the privacy policies of these sites. Data collected by these entities is subject to the privacy policies adopted by these entities.
  2. Personal data will be processed for the period necessary for the performance of the contract, and thereafter for the time and to the extent required by law to secure possible claims, to enable the exercise of warranty rights for goods and services provided, or until the withdrawal of specific consent.
  3. We store personal data for marketing purposes until the user to whom the data relate objects to such processing or withdraws consent to processing – but no longer than for a period of 10 years.
  4. For the purpose of accountability, i.e. proving compliance with the regulations on the processing of personal data, ALDAtech will keep the data for the period during which it is obliged to retain the data or documents containing them for the purpose of documenting compliance with legal requirements and enabling public authorities to inspect their compliance.
  6. ALDAtech does not transfer personal data to entities located outside the European Economic Area.

One of ALDAtech’s priorities is to make every effort to keep our customers’ data safe. The same applies to the policy on so-called cookies, i.e. small text documents stored on the disk of an Internet user when he/she enters the company’s website. We use best practices here, we are honest and open. This privacy policy clearly defines the purpose and use of cookies.

  1. The website uses cookies (so-called „cookies”);
  2. Cookies are safe, pose no threat, and are free of viruses and other malware;
  3. Cookies are IT data, in particular text files, which are stored on the user’s terminal device and are intended for use on the website. Cookies usually contain the name of the website from which they come, the time they are stored on the end device and a unique number;
  4. Cookies do not make it possible to determine a user’s identity, so any user accessing our site remains anonymous until they voluntarily provide data. They are also not a tool for spying;
  5. Once stored, a cookie on subsequent entry allows us to tailor the display of the site to a particular user;
  6. Cookies also allow the creation of statistics that help site administrators tailor their sites to visitors’ preferences. For statistical purposes, general data such as the IP address of the user’s computer, the name and version of the operating system and browser are obtained.
  7. The site uses two main types of cookies: „session” (session cookies) and „permanent” (persistent cookies). „Session” cookies are temporary files that are stored on the user’s terminal device until the user logs out, leaves the website or shuts down the software (web browser). „Permanent” cookies are stored on the user’s end device for the time specified in the parameters of the cookies or until they are deleted by the user.
  8. It is up to the User to finally accept the cookies on his/her device. The User can delete all cookies from his/her drive at any time. He can also set his own policy on cookies – reject or accept all of them, or reject or accept only certain types. The relevant settings can be made in the browser you are using.
  9. Web browsing software (Internet browser) usually allows cookies to be stored on the user’s terminal device by default. Users of the site can change their settings in this regard. The web browser allows you to delete cookies. It is also possible to automatically block cookies Detailed information on this subject is contained in the help or documentation of the Internet browser.
  10. Cookies may be used by advertising networks, in particular the Google network, to display advertisements tailored to the user’s use of the Website. For this purpose, they may retain information about the user’s navigation path or how long the user stays on a particular page.
  11. Regarding the information about user preferences collected by the Google advertising network, the user can view and edit the information resulting from cookies using the tool:
  13. Information about certain user behaviour is subject to logging at the server layer. This data is used exclusively for the administration of the site and to ensure the most efficient operation of the provided hosting services.
  14. The resources viewed are identified by URLs. In addition, the record may be subject to:
    1. time of arrival of the request,
    2. time of sending the response,
    3. the name of the client’s station – identification carried out by the HTTP protocol,
    4. information about errors that occurred during the execution of HTTP transactions,
    5. URL address of the page previously visited by the user (referer link) – in case the user accessed the Website through a link,
    6. information about the user’s browser,
    7. IP address information.
  15. The above data are not associated with specific browsers.
  16. The above data are used only for server administration purposes.


  1. The data are subject to sharing with external entities only within the limits legally permitted and described in this privacy policy;
  2. The operator may be obliged to provide information collected by the service to authorized bodies on the basis of lawful requests to the extent of the request.
  4. This privacy policy takes effect on the date of publication, and use of the site implies acceptance of this policy.
  5. The site administrator and ALDAtech reserve the right to change the privacy policy without giving any reason and at any time.